CARYOLOGIA is published by the Department of Biology of the University of Florence; it is a periodical devoted to the publication of original researches and, occasionally, of reviews in plant and animai cytology, cytosystematics, cytogenetics, embriology and ultra-structure. Usually one volume is issued yearly and it consists of four numbers.

Papers, subscriptions, correspondence with reference to editorial matters should be addressed to: Prof. Alessio Papini, "Caryologia", Department of Biology, Via La Pira, 4 - 50121 Florence, Italy - ph.: ++39 055 2757395; fax: ++39 055 2757398; e-mail: Articles should be sent only via e-mail to; send figures (at least 300dpi, better in tiff, jpeg or bitmapped format; vectorial figures in OpenOfficeDraw or CorelDraw format) separately from the text. Consider that figures must fit a page width of 15.3 cm and authors should send them already arranged to fit the page. Tables should be sent in Excel or OpenOffice Calc format, in separate files. For revision purpose, a pdf files with text and figures should be provided. Authors are encouraged to propose two or more reviewers for their paper. Since 2012 the format should be that of Taylor and Francis: see the site


 Instruction to authors

MANUSCRIPTS, as short and concise as possible, should be written in English. All pages should be numbered. When a paper has joint authorship, one author must accept responsability for all correspondance; the full postal address of the author who is to check proofs should be provided. Papers should conform to the following general layout.

Title page - This should contain (a) the full title of the paper, (b) authors with full names listed in the order in which they are to appear at the head of the printed article, (c) affiliation and address for each author, (d) telephone number, fax number and electronic mail address of the author responsible for correspondance and (d) a short running title.

Abstract The abstract is of great importance as it may be reproduced elsewhere and is all that many may see of your work. The summary, not exceeding 250 words, will be published at the beginning of each paper; it should contain no discursive matter or references. The abstract should be followed by 5 (max 7) key words, identifying the subject matter for retrieval systems.

ReferencesLiterature citations in the text should be in chronological order. Where there are more than two authors, only the first should be named, followed by “et al.”: The list of references should include only publications cited in the text. In the list of references, titles of periodicals must be given in full, not abbreviated. The references should be arranged alphabetically and according to the following order: author’s surname, name initials, year of publication, original title of the work, journal name, volume number, inclusive pages. References should conform as exactly as possible to one of these styles:

Levan A., Fredga K., Sandberg A.A. 1964. Nomenclature for centromeric position on chromosomes. Hereditas. 52:201-220.

Stuessy T.F., 1990 – Plant taxonomy. Columbia University Press, New York, Oxford.

Greilhuber J. 1984. Chromosomal evidence in taxonomy. In V.H. Heywood and D.M. Moore (Eds),  “Current concepts in plant taxonomy”, Systematic Association n. 25, p. 157-180. Academic Press, London.

Other citations such as papers ‘in press’ may appear on the list but not papers ‘submitted’ or ‘in preparation’. A personal communication may be cited in the text but not in the reference list.

TablesKeep Tables as simple as possible and avoid vertical rules. Data matrices and complex tables should be submitted on high quality paper in a form suitable for photographic reproduction. A file in Excel and Word will help the correct formatting of tables.

Color figuresprinting of color plates will be at the authors’ cost (for this cost please contact the publisher Taylor & Francis), otherwise figures will be printed in grey scale in the paper version and in color in the online version.

The respect of these corrections is necessary for publishing.

We are grateful if You send also figures (at least 300 dpi resolution, EPS or TIFF format) and tables in electronic form together with the revised text via e-mail.

In case of doubt please check a volume of Caryologia or contact this office.



International Journal of Cytology, Cytosystematics and Cytogenetics

 Department of Biology

Via La Pira, 4

50121 Florence, Italy


Fax: +39 055 2757373

Florence, 01.01.2012
Dear Collegue and Author,
 the lack in public funding and the increase in typographyc costs obliges the Editor to take an undelayable decision: the annual subscription to the review of at least one of the authors becomes a PRErequisite for the revised manuscripts to be published in the Journal.
To favour the authors the subscription will be reduced to 60% with respect to the normal annual cost (four volumes). In the present Year the reduced cost was fixed in Euro 132,00.
Best wishes
The Editor